Inicio > Historias > El espionaje según Sun Tzu


El espionaje según Sun Tzu

Si algún asunto de espionaje es divulgado antes de que el espía haya informado, éste y el que lo haya divulgado deben eliminarse.

Lo dijo Sun Tzu en El Arte de la Guerra, breviario para jefecitos que hace unos años desplazó al Príncipe de Maquiavelo de la mesilla de noche del político aborigen. Ahora bien, ¿cómo se traduce eliminar al lenguaje de los estatutos del partido?

posted by vendell 18:05


Referencias (TrackBacks)

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De: sapin3 Fecha: 2009-02-04 20:11


De: Anónima Fecha: 2009-02-04 22:34

Ese ojo hace que una se sienta realmente espiada :S

De: peke Fecha: 2009-02-06 12:54

¡Qué grima ese ojo, por Dios!

De: carolus Fecha: 2009-02-10 17:12

Mas sobre Maquiavelo y otros estrategas similares en

De: Vendell Fecha: 2009-02-12 00:01

A Maquiavelo le falta inteligencia emocional, que dicen los bobis.

De: jaio la espía Fecha: 2009-02-15 12:42

pues mi ojo no es...

De: Victor I. Conopuma Genebroso Fecha: 2009-09-22 21:33

Mi problema es por la zonificación de la Municipalidad de San Juan de
Lurigancho por lo cual no va ser compatible con el certificado de Defensa Civil de la II Región que ven grandes áreas (10, 642.50 m2 ); para expedir mi Licencia de Funcionamiento me piden opinión de Asesoria Jurídica,
zonificación; obras Privadas; en el Consejo de San Juan de Lurigancho me mandan a Lima nos acercamos a Lima en Gerencia Empresarial nos comunican que el cambio de zonificación es competencia de San Juan de Lurigancho por la ordenanza de Lima Nº 1081 (07/octubre/2007) durante años estamos solicitando nuestra Licencia, además el predio esta calificado como OU (otros usos) la arquitecta de Lima comunica que eso significa ASUNTOS DE GOBIERNO teniendo en consideración que es propiedad privada El estadio amauta Calle 8 Mz. “S” Lt. 3 Campoy en la Gerencia de desarrollo económico de San Juan de Lurigancho nos mandó clausurar el estadio el sábado 29 a las 4 p.m. con 50 personas (Policías Municipales, serenazgos funcionarios y otros) camión, camioneta y hasta perros, rodeando todo el estadio, alambrando las puertas de acceso, y suspendiendo el evento generando perdidas económicas cometiendo delito contra la Administración Pública , abuso de autoridad, violación de domicilio y otros delitos, ese día se le mostró la documentación respectiva a los funcionarios a pesar de haber presentado en mesa de partes no quieren recibir los documentos y los funcionarios comunican que los sellos no son de San Juan de Lurigancho, mi pregunta es con cuantos sellos trabajan la Municipalidad , los promotores artísticos pagaron sus respectivos impuestos; por lo cual hubo enfrentamientos por fiestas navideñas

De: Victor Inocencio Conopuma Genebroso Fecha: 2009-09-22 21:37

Mi problema es por la zonificación de la Municipalidad de San Juan de Lurigancho por lo cual no va ser compatible con el certificado de Defensa Civil de la II Región que ven grandes áreas (10, 642.50 m2 ); para expedir mi Licencia de Funcionamiento me piden opinión de Asesoria Jurídica,
zonificación; obras Privadas; en el Consejo de San Juan de Lurigancho me mandan a Lima nos acercamos a Lima en Gerencia Empresarial nos comunican que el cambio de zonificación es competencia de San Juan de Lurigancho por la ordenanza de Lima Nº 1081 (07/octubre/2007) durante años estamos solicitando nuestra Licencia, además el predio esta calificado como OU (otros usos) la arquitecta de Lima comunica que eso significa ASUNTOS DE GOBIERNO teniendo en consideración que es propiedad privada inscrita en los REGISTROS PUBLICOS N:11373891 no se equivoquen traficantes de terrenos,El estadio amauta Calle 8 Mz. “S” Lt. 3 Campoy en la Gerencia de desarrollo económico de San Juan de Lurigancho nos mandó clausurar el estadio el sábado 29 a las 4 p.m. con 50 personas (Policías Municipales, serenazgos funcionarios y otros) camión, camioneta y hasta perros, rodeando todo el estadio, alambrando las puertas de acceso, y suspendiendo el evento generando perdidas económicas cometiendo delito contra la Administración Pública , abuso de autoridad, violación de domicilio y otros delitos, ese día se le mostró la documentación respectiva a los funcionarios a pesar de haber presentado en mesa de partes no quieren recibir los documentos y los funcionarios comunican que los sellos no son de San Juan de Lurigancho, mi pregunta es con cuantos sellos trabajan la Municipalidad , los promotores artísticos pagaron sus respectivos impuestos; por lo cual hubo enfrentamientos por fiestas navideñas.

De: Hector Fecha: 2018-01-19 11:15

Lo que dice Sun Tzu en el libro arte de la guerra se puede aplicar a clash royale y es que al ser un juego de estrategia tienes que saber muy bien con quién te alías, a que clanes te unes y lo más importante generar gemas en clash royale para luego saber gestionarlas y gastarlas cuando de verdad necesitas los recursos de oro y gemas durante las batallas de las arenas en Clash Royale.

De: fayola Fecha: 2019-01-08 03:37

Gracias por dejarme saber sobre este arte de guerra, gracias por compartir! news today

De: smartphonepliable Fecha: 2019-02-24 20:57


De: smartphonepliable Fecha: 2019-03-14 21:10


De: wertyuiop Fecha: 2019-03-30 13:09

Epson Printer Support
Epson Printer Customer Service
Epson Printer Phone Number
Epson Printer Contact Number
Epson Printer Technical Support

De: tres card game Fecha: 2019-07-19 04:10

Estaba leyendo las noticias y vi este tema realmente interesante.

De: Ankita Tiwari Fecha: 2019-08-29 10:58

KOLKATA Independent Escorts


De: 4 Bilder 1 Wort tägliches Rätsel Lösungen Fecha: 2019-09-01 17:09

4 Bilder 1 Wort Tägliches Rätsel Lösungen

De: sam Fecha: 2019-10-05 18:24

very good post.
لعبة من سيربح المليون
لعبة جاتا
لعبة صب واي
لعبة زوما

De: QB Proadvisor Help - Dallas Texas, 8559552048 Fecha: 2019-11-04 21:23

In an email on February 21, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' stated " This is to inform you that your refund request has been taken into consideration. We have created the Refund ticket request & the refund would be processed in the same mode of payment within 7-10 business days.
March 28, 2019 and April 1, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' aka QUICKBOOKKEEPINGEXPERTS has reapplied the charge of 95.00 (00.00 + 5.00) to my business credit card.
This company is a scam artist.
First letter February 21, 2019 to 'QB Pro Advisor Help' copied to Capital One:
On 02/21/2019 about 1:00pm a Ms. “Susan Taylor” (ST) contacted me by telephone concerning technical support for Intuit QuickBooks (QB) but it was QB Pro Advisor Help. She presented herself as a representative for QB. I was led to believe that ST worked for QB and was responding to my request for tech support. QB Pro Advisor Help
I allowed ST to sign on to my computer remotely. ST informed me that my company file was 79% corrupted and when that corruption reached 84% that my company file data would be unrecoverable and lost. I was very concerned; I cannot afford to lose 10+ years of accounting data. QB Pro Advisor Help
ST advised me of two solutions: 1) one-year support contract for 95.00 or 2) three-year support contract for 35.00. I told QB Pro Advisor Helpthat was a lot of money and too expensive. I asked what the cost was for a single instance of technical support to recover and stabilize my company data file; ST told me the charge is .00 per megabyte. My company file is approximately 232MB, so single instance support would be about 00.00.
After some haggling, QB Pro Advisor Help ST offered the special deal of 95.00 for 42 months (3.5 years) of unlimited technical support and assured me that my present issue (including the reason for my seeking tech support) could be resolved in a few hours. Please remember: I had the understanding that I am communicating with an employee of QB, the designer of this software. I also am under the impression that doom and destruction await my company data file should I not respond and have this data recovery/repair completed immediately.
Immediately (about 1:30pm) QB Pro Advisor Help ST transferred control of my computer to “Alex”. “Alex” worked remotely on my company data file until about 3:30pm, at which time he told me that the repair had been completed. I am still not positive the repair is completed since I have not yet used the software and company data file enough to verify that it is operating properly.
While “Alex” was working remotely on my computer, I received and invoice # 2002197961 via email. I became concerned when I saw that this invoice was from “QB Pro Advisor Help” and not from “Intuit QuickBooks.” So, I telephoned QB at (800) 446-8848 and waited on hold for about 20 minutes until I could talk with a real person. Finally, I talked with a lady “Ron” and described my situation. I asked if “QB Pro Advisor Help” is a QB company. I was informed that they are not. I then discussed what the expense is for technical support from QB; I was told 9.95 per year, .95 per 3 months or .00 per month. “Ron” informed me that QB does not offer any technical support in greater than annual periods, she suggested I immediately stop payment. We discussed the possibility of this being a fraudulent transaction since “QB Pro Advisor Help” had misrepresented themselves as being QB. She also suggested I report this instance to the QB fraud department at, which I promptly did. There is no telephone number available to contact the Intuit QB fraud department directly. I am still waiting for a reply to this email fraud report.
To the beginning, how did this situation evolve?
I am having an issue importing if files from my POS into QB Pro 2019. I can import using my admin, but unable to import by my second full access user. First I called QB at (800) 446-8848 and was informed there was a long wait time, but if I left my telephone number that my call would be returned. I left my telephone numbers (541) 476-9646 (work) and (541) 659-2439 (cellular), expecting a return telephone call from QB technical support. QB Pro Advisor Help
Then, I got online (while in QB) and submitted my problem on the QB technical user community support board as follows:
“Hello. I am using QP Pro 2019 desktop. I have two users. When the second user attempts to import and if file from my POS, he gets an error that he is unable to do this because he is not an admin. QB Pro Advisor Help
My user is an admin and I can import if files without issue. QB Pro Advisor Help
Does this mean that for my second user that I must give him my user and password to allow him to import if files? We import if file information from our POS daily.
I am hoping there is a work around.

De: QB Proadvisor Help - Dallas Texas, 8559552048 Fecha: 2019-11-04 21:23

In an email on February 21, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' stated " This is to inform you that your refund request has been taken into consideration. We have created the Refund ticket request & the refund would be processed in the same mode of payment within 7-10 business days.
March 28, 2019 and April 1, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' aka QUICKBOOKKEEPINGEXPERTS has reapplied the charge of 95.00 (00.00 + 5.00) to my business credit card.
This company is a scam artist.
First letter February 21, 2019 to 'QB Pro Advisor Help' copied to Capital One:
On 02/21/2019 about 1:00pm a Ms. “Susan Taylor” (ST) contacted me by telephone concerning technical support for Intuit QuickBooks (QB) but it was QB Pro Advisor Help. She presented herself as a representative for QB. I was led to believe that ST worked for QB and was responding to my request for tech support. QB Pro Advisor Help
I allowed ST to sign on to my computer remotely. ST informed me that my company file was 79% corrupted and when that corruption reached 84% that my company file data would be unrecoverable and lost. I was very concerned; I cannot afford to lose 10+ years of accounting data. QB Pro Advisor Help
ST advised me of two solutions: 1) one-year support contract for 95.00 or 2) three-year support contract for 35.00. I told QB Pro Advisor Helpthat was a lot of money and too expensive. I asked what the cost was for a single instance of technical support to recover and stabilize my company data file; ST told me the charge is .00 per megabyte. My company file is approximately 232MB, so single instance support would be about 00.00.
After some haggling, QB Pro Advisor Help ST offered the special deal of 95.00 for 42 months (3.5 years) of unlimited technical support and assured me that my present issue (including the reason for my seeking tech support) could be resolved in a few hours. Please remember: I had the understanding that I am communicating with an employee of QB, the designer of this software. I also am under the impression that doom and destruction await my company data file should I not respond and have this data recovery/repair completed immediately.
Immediately (about 1:30pm) QB Pro Advisor Help ST transferred control of my computer to “Alex”. “Alex” worked remotely on my company data file until about 3:30pm, at which time he told me that the repair had been completed. I am still not positive the repair is completed since I have not yet used the software and company data file enough to verify that it is operating properly.
While “Alex” was working remotely on my computer, I received and invoice # 2002197961 via email. I became concerned when I saw that this invoice was from “QB Pro Advisor Help” and not from “Intuit QuickBooks.” So, I telephoned QB at (800) 446-8848 and waited on hold for about 20 minutes until I could talk with a real person. Finally, I talked with a lady “Ron” and described my situation. I asked if “QB Pro Advisor Help” is a QB company. I was informed that they are not. I then discussed what the expense is for technical support from QB; I was told 9.95 per year, .95 per 3 months or .00 per month. “Ron” informed me that QB does not offer any technical support in greater than annual periods, she suggested I immediately stop payment. We discussed the possibility of this being a fraudulent transaction since “QB Pro Advisor Help” had misrepresented themselves as being QB. She also suggested I report this instance to the QB fraud department at, which I promptly did. There is no telephone number available to contact the Intuit QB fraud department directly. I am still waiting for a reply to this email fraud report.
To the beginning, how did this situation evolve?
I am having an issue importing if files from my POS into QB Pro 2019. I can import using my admin, but unable to import by my second full access user. First I called QB at (800) 446-8848 and was informed there was a long wait time, but if I left my telephone number that my call would be returned. I left my telephone numbers (541) 476-9646 (work) and (541) 659-2439 (cellular), expecting a return telephone call from QB technical support. QB Pro Advisor Help
Then, I got online (while in QB) and submitted my problem on the QB technical user community support board as follows:
“Hello. I am using QP Pro 2019 desktop. I have two users. When the second user attempts to import and if file from my POS, he gets an error that he is unable to do this because he is not an admin. QB Pro Advisor Help
My user is an admin and I can import if files without issue. QB Pro Advisor Help
Does this mean that for my second user that I must give him my user and password to allow him to import if files? We import if file information from our POS daily.
I am hoping there is a work around.

De: QB Proadvisor Help - Dallas Texas, 8559552048 Fecha: 2019-11-04 21:24

In an email on February 21, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' stated " This is to inform you that your refund request has been taken into consideration. We have created the Refund ticket request & the refund would be processed in the same mode of payment within 7-10 business days.
March 28, 2019 and April 1, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' aka QUICKBOOKKEEPINGEXPERTS has reapplied the charge of 95.00 (00.00 + 5.00) to my business credit card.
This company is a scam artist.
First letter February 21, 2019 to 'QB Pro Advisor Help' copied to Capital One:
On 02/21/2019 about 1:00pm a Ms. “Susan Taylor” (ST) contacted me by telephone concerning technical support for Intuit QuickBooks (QB) but it was QB Pro Advisor Help. She presented herself as a representative for QB. I was led to believe that ST worked for QB and was responding to my request for tech support. QB Pro Advisor Help
I allowed ST to sign on to my computer remotely. ST informed me that my company file was 79% corrupted and when that corruption reached 84% that my company file data would be unrecoverable and lost. I was very concerned; I cannot afford to lose 10+ years of accounting data. QB Pro Advisor Help
ST advised me of two solutions: 1) one-year support contract for 95.00 or 2) three-year support contract for 35.00. I told QB Pro Advisor Helpthat was a lot of money and too expensive. I asked what the cost was for a single instance of technical support to recover and stabilize my company data file; ST told me the charge is .00 per megabyte. My company file is approximately 232MB, so single instance support would be about 00.00.
After some haggling, QB Pro Advisor Help ST offered the special deal of 95.00 for 42 months (3.5 years) of unlimited technical support and assured me that my present issue (including the reason for my seeking tech support) could be resolved in a few hours. Please remember: I had the understanding that I am communicating with an employee of QB, the designer of this software. I also am under the impression that doom and destruction await my company data file should I not respond and have this data recovery/repair completed immediately.
Immediately (about 1:30pm) QB Pro Advisor Help ST transferred control of my computer to “Alex”. “Alex” worked remotely on my company data file until about 3:30pm, at which time he told me that the repair had been completed. I am still not positive the repair is completed since I have not yet used the software and company data file enough to verify that it is operating properly.
While “Alex” was working remotely on my computer, I received and invoice # 2002197961 via email. I became concerned when I saw that this invoice was from “QB Pro Advisor Help” and not from “Intuit QuickBooks.” So, I telephoned QB at (800) 446-8848 and waited on hold for about 20 minutes until I could talk with a real person. Finally, I talked with a lady “Ron” and described my situation. I asked if “QB Pro Advisor Help” is a QB company. I was informed that they are not. I then discussed what the expense is for technical support from QB; I was told 9.95 per year, .95 per 3 months or .00 per month. “Ron” informed me that QB does not offer any technical support in greater than annual periods, she suggested I immediately stop payment. We discussed the possibility of this being a fraudulent transaction since “QB Pro Advisor Help” had misrepresented themselves as being QB. She also suggested I report this instance to the QB fraud department at, which I promptly did. There is no telephone number available to contact the Intuit QB fraud department directly. I am still waiting for a reply to this email fraud report.
To the beginning, how did this situation evolve?
I am having an issue importing if files from my POS into QB Pro 2019. I can import using my admin, but unable to import by my second full access user. First I called QB at (800) 446-8848 and was informed there was a long wait time, but if I left my telephone number that my call would be returned. I left my telephone numbers (541) 476-9646 (work) and (541) 659-2439 (cellular), expecting a return telephone call from QB technical support. QB Pro Advisor Help
Then, I got online (while in QB) and submitted my problem on the QB technical user community support board as follows:
“Hello. I am using QP Pro 2019 desktop. I have two users. When the second user attempts to import and if file from my POS, he gets an error that he is unable to do this because he is not an admin. QB Pro Advisor Help
My user is an admin and I can import if files without issue. QB Pro Advisor Help
Does this mean that for my second user that I must give him my user and password to allow him to import if files? We import if file information from our POS daily.
I am hoping there is a work around.

De: QB Proadvisor Help - Dallas Texas, 8559552048 Fecha: 2019-11-04 21:25

In an email on February 21, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' stated " This is to inform you that your refund request has been taken into consideration. We have created the Refund ticket request & the refund would be processed in the same mode of payment within 7-10 business days.
March 28, 2019 and April 1, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' aka QUICKBOOKKEEPINGEXPERTS has reapplied the charge of 95.00 (00.00 + 5.00) to my business credit card.
This company is a scam artist.
First letter February 21, 2019 to 'QB Pro Advisor Help' copied to Capital One:
On 02/21/2019 about 1:00pm a Ms. “Susan Taylor” (ST) contacted me by telephone concerning technical support for Intuit QuickBooks (QB) but it was QB Pro Advisor Help. She presented herself as a representative for QB. I was led to believe that ST worked for QB and was responding to my request for tech support. QB Pro Advisor Help
I allowed ST to sign on to my computer remotely. ST informed me that my company file was 79% corrupted and when that corruption reached 84% that my company file data would be unrecoverable and lost. I was very concerned; I cannot afford to lose 10+ years of accounting data. QB Pro Advisor Help
ST advised me of two solutions: 1) one-year support contract for 95.00 or 2) three-year support contract for 35.00. I told QB Pro Advisor Helpthat was a lot of money and too expensive. I asked what the cost was for a single instance of technical support to recover and stabilize my company data file; ST told me the charge is .00 per megabyte. My company file is approximately 232MB, so single instance support would be about 00.00.
After some haggling, QB Pro Advisor Help ST offered the special deal of 95.00 for 42 months (3.5 years) of unlimited technical support and assured me that my present issue (including the reason for my seeking tech support) could be resolved in a few hours. Please remember: I had the understanding that I am communicating with an employee of QB, the designer of this software. I also am under the impression that doom and destruction await my company data file should I not respond and have this data recovery/repair completed immediately.
Immediately (about 1:30pm) QB Pro Advisor Help ST transferred control of my computer to “Alex”. “Alex” worked remotely on my company data file until about 3:30pm, at which time he told me that the repair had been completed. I am still not positive the repair is completed since I have not yet used the software and company data file enough to verify that it is operating properly.
While “Alex” was working remotely on my computer, I received and invoice # 2002197961 via email. I became concerned when I saw that this invoice was from “QB Pro Advisor Help” and not from “Intuit QuickBooks.” So, I telephoned QB at (800) 446-8848 and waited on hold for about 20 minutes until I could talk with a real person. Finally, I talked with a lady “Ron” and described my situation. I asked if “QB Pro Advisor Help” is a QB company. I was informed that they are not. I then discussed what the expense is for technical support from QB; I was told 9.95 per year, .95 per 3 months or .00 per month. “Ron” informed me that QB does not offer any technical support in greater than annual periods, she suggested I immediately stop payment. We discussed the possibility of this being a fraudulent transaction since “QB Pro Advisor Help” had misrepresented themselves as being QB. She also suggested I report this instance to the QB fraud department at, which I promptly did. There is no telephone number available to contact the Intuit QB fraud department directly. I am still waiting for a reply to this email fraud report.
To the beginning, how did this situation evolve?
I am having an issue importing if files from my POS into QB Pro 2019. I can import using my admin, but unable to import by my second full access user. First I called QB at (800) 446-8848 and was informed there was a long wait time, but if I left my telephone number that my call would be returned. I left my telephone numbers (541) 476-9646 (work) and (541) 659-2439 (cellular), expecting a return telephone call from QB technical support. QB Pro Advisor Help
Then, I got online (while in QB) and submitted my problem on the QB technical user community support board as follows:
“Hello. I am using QP Pro 2019 desktop. I have two users. When the second user attempts to import and if file from my POS, he gets an error that he is unable to do this because he is not an admin. QB Pro Advisor Help
My user is an admin and I can import if files without issue. QB Pro Advisor Help
Does this mean that for my second user that I must give him my user and password to allow him to import if files? We import if file information from our POS daily.
I am hoping there is a work around.

De: QB Proadvisor Help - Dallas Texas, 8559552048 Fecha: 2019-11-04 21:32

In an email on February 21, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' stated " This is to inform you that your refund request has been taken into consideration. We have created the Refund ticket request & the refund would be processed in the same mode of payment within 7-10 business days.
March 28, 2019 and April 1, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' aka QUICKBOOKKEEPINGEXPERTS has reapplied the charge of 95.00 (00.00 + 5.00) to my business credit card.
This company is a scam artist.
First letter February 21, 2019 to 'QB Pro Advisor Help' copied to Capital One:
On 02/21/2019 about 1:00pm a Ms. “Susan Taylor” (ST) contacted me by telephone concerning technical support for Intuit QuickBooks (QB) but it was QB Pro Advisor Help. She presented herself as a representative for QB. I was led to believe that ST worked for QB and was responding to my request for tech support. QB Pro Advisor Help
I allowed ST to sign on to my computer remotely. ST informed me that my company file was 79% corrupted and when that corruption reached 84% that my company file data would be unrecoverable and lost. I was very concerned; I cannot afford to lose 10+ years of accounting data. QB Pro Advisor Help
ST advised me of two solutions: 1) one-year support contract for 95.00 or 2) three-year support contract for 35.00. I told QB Pro Advisor Helpthat was a lot of money and too expensive. I asked what the cost was for a single instance of technical support to recover and stabilize my company data file; ST told me the charge is .00 per megabyte. My company file is approximately 232MB, so single instance support would be about 00.00.
After some haggling, QB Pro Advisor Help ST offered the special deal of 95.00 for 42 months (3.5 years) of unlimited technical support and assured me that my present issue (including the reason for my seeking tech support) could be resolved in a few hours. Please remember: I had the understanding that I am communicating with an employee of QB, the designer of this software. I also am under the impression that doom and destruction await my company data file should I not respond and have this data recovery/repair completed immediately.
Immediately (about 1:30pm) QB Pro Advisor Help ST transferred control of my computer to “Alex”. “Alex” worked remotely on my company data file until about 3:30pm, at which time he told me that the repair had been completed. I am still not positive the repair is completed since I have not yet used the software and company data file enough to verify that it is operating properly.
While “Alex” was working remotely on my computer, I received and invoice # 2002197961 via email. I became concerned when I saw that this invoice was from “QB Pro Advisor Help” and not from “Intuit QuickBooks.” So, I telephoned QB at (800) 446-8848 and waited on hold for about 20 minutes until I could talk with a real person. Finally, I talked with a lady “Ron” and described my situation. I asked if “QB Pro Advisor Help” is a QB company. I was informed that they are not. I then discussed what the expense is for technical support from QB; I was told 9.95 per year, .95 per 3 months or .00 per month. “Ron” informed me that QB does not offer any technical support in greater than annual periods, she suggested I immediately stop payment. We discussed the possibility of this being a fraudulent transaction since “QB Pro Advisor Help” had misrepresented themselves as being QB. She also suggested I report this instance to the QB fraud department at, which I promptly did. There is no telephone number available to contact the Intuit QB fraud department directly. I am still waiting for a reply to this email fraud report.
To the beginning, how did this situation evolve?
I am having an issue importing if files from my POS into QB Pro 2019. I can import using my admin, but unable to import by my second full access user. First I called QB at (800) 446-8848 and was informed there was a long wait time, but if I left my telephone number that my call would be returned. I left my telephone numbers (541) 476-9646 (work) and (541) 659-2439 (cellular), expecting a return telephone call from QB technical support. QB Pro Advisor Help
Then, I got online (while in QB) and submitted my problem on the QB technical user community support board as follows:
“Hello. I am using QP Pro 2019 desktop. I have two users. When the second user attempts to import and if file from my POS, he gets an error that he is unable to do this because he is not an admin. QB Pro Advisor Help
My user is an admin and I can import if files without issue. QB Pro Advisor Help
Does this mean that for my second user that I must give him my user and password to allow him to import if files? We import if file information from our POS daily.
I am hoping there is a work around.

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Willy Sifones
Amelia Mateo

Blogalegos ilustres
